Havde i søndags fornøjelsen af at se Batman filmen… den fra 1966!
Vil ikke sige så meget om den, bortset fra at give jer et par af de mange fantastiske og underlige dialoger fra filmen. Nyd dem 🙂
Batman: Look at this pair of joking riddles.
Chief O’Hara: [reads] What does a turkey do when he flies upside down?
Robin: He gobbles up!
Chief O’Hara: Of course.
Batman: And, number two…
Commissioner Gordon: [reads] What weighs six ounces, sits in a tree and is very dangerous?
Robin: A sparrow with a machine gun!
Commissioner Gordon: Yes, of course.
Commissioner Gordon: It could be any one of them… But which one? Which ones?
Batman: Pretty *fishy* what happened to me on that ladder…
Commissioner Gordon: You mean where there’s a fish there could be a Penguin?
Robin: But wait! It happened at sea… Sea. C for Catwoman!
Batman: Yet, an exploding shark *was* pulling my leg…
Commissioner Gordon: The Joker!
Chief O’Hara: All adds up to a sinister riddle… Riddle-R. Riddler!
Commissioner Gordon: A thought strikes me… So dreadful I scarcely dare give it utterance…
Batman: The four of them… Their forces combined…
Robin: Holy nightmare!
Og der er mange flere i samme stil. Check bare filmens IMDb side.
Jeg synes den var høj, høj klasse.
Stor tak til Jonas for at sørge for at vi var nød til at se den 🙂